The Door
By Brandy Herr
It’s cold outside.
I would like to come in
And curl up by the fire,
Snuggled next to my friend.
Please open the door.
My friend is so young.
He’s only ten years old.
He doesn’t understand
Why I’m out here in the cold.
Please open the door.
The collar I wear
Is getting too tight.
What shelter I have
Won’t help much through the night.
Please open the door.
I wish I could play
And run and be free.
Instead I am tied
To this sad, lonely tree.
Please open the door.
The rocks under my feet
Cause my paws to be sore.
How I long for the feel
Of a carpeted floor.
Please open the door.
Why did you get me
If you don’t want me to be
Inside your home,
Part of your family?
Please open the door.
I can give so much love,
Companionship, and more,
If you’ll let me into your heart.
Please open the door.

Please Don't Just Chain Your Dog Outdoors And Leave It There!
A Chained Dog Is Not A Lawn Ornament It Is A Living Being!
A Chained Dog Is Not A Guard Dog It's A Dead Dog!
If Life Is Precious To You, Think About A Animal's Life Too.
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