
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

National Dog Bite Prevention Week

Some tips to prevent dog bites:

If you have a child teach them:
To not:
- try to pet strange dogs
-pet dogs tied up even if its a familiar dog.
-stay away from lose dogs on the streets
-get a adult if a dog is acting strange or aggressive
-have a adult around supervising play around a dog
-pull or yank on a dogs face fur tail really any body part no matter how nice the dog may seem to be
-take a dogs food, toys etc.
-play around a dog eating
-Eat at a table and not carry food around

Obedience train your dog.

Avoid alpha dogs. If you cannot handle a strong willed dog do not risk having one.

Always be the alpha pack leader. Do not let your dog get away with guarding or possesive behavior of objects or food.

If you have a herding breed of dog make sure you have a proper outlit for their herding behavior. Never let them herd children ir people period.

Do not let a dog dominate you or other people.

Know how to properly approach a dog:

Avoid going for the top of the head or on the neck when attempting to pet a dog especially a dominant dog.

Crouch do not stand hovering over a dog.

Avoid face to face contact.

Do not attempt to touch a dog in pain.

If your dog starts acting strange or aggressive out of the blue take them to a veterinarian to rule out any medical issues.

If you have a aggressive dog that you cannot handle:
- get a professional trainer with references and years of experience dealing with aggression
-give the dog to someone you personally know that can handle the dog never a complete stranger
-In some rare cases due to extreme behavioral issues or a medical issue that cannot be cured or controlled by medicine it maybe best to put the dog asleep only if all other options have been exhausted.

A dog that bites is asking for legal issues, a danger to other people and animals and putting that dogs life on the line.

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