
Friday, December 26, 2014

Get Rid Of Fleas For Good

House Tips

-Vacuum like crazy. Vacuum twice or more daily no if ands or buts. If you have a disposable bag take that bag out to garbage can immediately after every use. If you have a detachable canister empty that out immediately after every use into a garbage can. Make sure garbage can is situated somewhere outside the home to minimize reinfestation.

-When vacuuming use a flea carpet powder and make sure you read complete directions to use it correctly. For a more natural approach and/or less toxic use things like borax, salt, baking soda or diatomaceous earth (food grade!).

-Use a carpet shampooer/cleaner/steamer a week. Do not dump water in yard which could lead to further reinfestation. Dump water in toilet  and flush instead.

-Clean and vacuum your furniture daily or get new furniture if you know you got rid of fleas completely and for good.

-Use a flea fogger/bomb once or twice a month. Always read full directions.

-Don't leave clothes, bedding, etc. on the floor if you do you better wash that stuff.

-Keep clutter off the floor. Never leave trash lying around period.

-Rip up the carpet put in wood floors or new carpet (avoid thick shaggy carpeting where fleas can hide!) as a last resort.

Yard Tips

-Keep your lawn mowed and bushes/trees trimmed.

-Use a outside flea treatment, once again read and follow directions exactly. For something more natural use diatomaceous earth.

Pet Bedding/Kennel Tips

-Wash fabric pet bedding at least twice or more weekly.

-Use cedar chips to deter fleas in and around pet's kennel/sleeping area.

Pet Tips

-Keep your pets healthy. The healthier your pet the less parasites they get.

-Bathe your pets regularly with a flea treatment (always read directions!) or for something not so toxic use concentrated Dawn dish washing soap and scrub and work it into the fur. Rinse thoroughly.

-Use a flea collar. If you Google you can find plenty of natural ones.

-Use a monthly flea treatment. Always read directions. Check with your veterinarian for best recommendations.

-Do not let your pet sleep on your bed or furniture! That's just asking for trouble in more ways then one.

-Treat all animals in the house. Anything that has fur, give it a bath.

-Dietary supplements like brewer's yeast or garlic show some promise. Ask your veterinarian before ever even thinking about giving your pet a dietary supplement.

Here is some more linkage for tips and tricks to get rid of fleas:

The Best Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas For Good

The Life Cycle Of A Flea

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