
Thursday, June 29, 2017

Reasons you need to Scoop the Poop

1. Storm water carries pet waste and other pollutants directly into waterways.

2. Animal waste adds nitrogen to the water. Excess nitrogen depletes the oxygen in water necessary 
for beneficial underwater grasses, wildlife and fish.

3. Animal waste may contain harmful organisms such as Giardia, Salmonella and E. coli that can be transmitted to humans and other animals by ingesting contaminated water.

4. Roundworms and hookworms deposited by infected animals can live in the soil for long periods of time and be transmitted to other animals and humans.

5. It’s the law! Many urban and suburban areas require you to pick up after your pet. Even if there is no restriction, cleaning up after your pet is always the right thing to do.

6. Joining the growing number of responsible pet owners may encourage hotel managers to accept pets when you are traveling and help keep fees to a minimum.

7. No one likes to step in pet waste and spread it into homes, cars and businesses.

8. Scooping on a daily basis and applying lime will help prevent odors.

9. It’s easy to clean up by carrying plastic baggies and paper towels in your pocket. The baggies can be secured and thrown away in the garbage.

10. Your neighbors will appreciate your good manners.

Article Credit: For more information on pollution prevention, visit DCR’s website,

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Summer pet tips

Shield delicate skin and use some pet sun screen for ears, nose or pets in the nude (little or no fur-hair). For that matter keeps pet coats long, brushed and un-matted to avoid over exposure from the sun with access to water at all times especially for the thick haired breeds.

Sooth burns with pure aloe.

Walk with caution avoid times when temperatures are so high heats up asphalt and cement which in turn can burn your pets paw pads.

Don't leave your dog alone in the car period.

Look for signs of heat exhaustion-heavy panting, dry or bright red gums, thick drool, vomiting, diarrhea, or wobbly legs basically if your pet is panting up a storm take a break and give them some water.

keep it cool indoors with fans, air conditioners, open windows any way for air circulation.

Beware of riptides and currents if near the ocean. Use a pet life-jacket if going boating with your pet. Always make sure there is a exit for your pet in all bodies of water.

Keep a eye out for parasites.

Opt for pet friendly insect repellents ask your veterinarian.

Don't let your pet get into charcoal briquettes which can cause havoc internally.

Don't feed table scraps which can cause havoc in a pet's tummy.

Avoid certain backyard scrubs that could be poisonous to pets like azaleas and lilies

Avoid yard chemicals like plant foods, pest control, fertilizer which could be poisonous to your pets.

Keep them away from fire works. Keep pets indoors during times of fireworks use.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Flea Control Home Remedies

Feline Flea Proofing 
Add to the food for each adult cat: 
1/2 level teaspoon brewer's yeast 
1/4 level teaspoon garlic powder 

Flea Destroyer 
Set up a plate of sudsy water with a light hovering over it. The fleas are attracted to this and drown themselves. 

Flea Repellent (for cats) 
1/8 teaspoon tamari soy sauce 
1 crushed whole clove 
1/8 teaspoon water 
1 fresh garlic clove 
Marinate the garlic in the liquid for about 10 minutes and then remove it. 
Add 1/16 teaspoon soy liquid to each 1/2 cup cat food. Use this repellent immediately. 

Flea Repellent Pillows 
These pillows are for dogs. 
Source: Glen Brook Farms Herbs and Such 
2 parts penny royal 
1 part thyme 
1 part wormwood 
Herbs may be cut or whole; construct a pillow for your pet to sleep on and then stuff it with the pennyroyal, thyme, wormwood. This makes a nice gift for those favorite dogs in your life. These herbs help to repel fleas naturally and without harsh chemicals. 

Flea Repellent Sleep Pillows 
For cats 
2 parts sage or rosemary 
1 part catnip 
1 part chamomile 
For dogs 
2 parts penny royal 
1 part thyme 
1 part wormwood 
Herbs may be used cut or whole. Mix enough to stuff a 2-foot square pillow for a cat or a 3-foot square (or larger) pillow for a dog. Sew the pillowcase out of a tough, washable fabric such as denim. 

Herbal Flea Powder 
Use herbs in powdered form only. 
2 ounces penny royal (use sage or rosemary for cats) 
1 ounce rosemary 
1 ounce wormwood 
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper 
Mix and store in a covered container. Use as often as any flea powder and rub into skin. 

Herbal Flea Powder 
1 part eucalyptus powder 
1 part penny royal powder (use sage or rosemary for cats) 
1 part fennel powder 
1 part yellow dock powder 
Combine all ingredients in a shaker top jar and shake to mix. 
Apply to your pet's fur by brushing backward with your hand or comb and sprinkling the powder into the roots of the hairs. Concentrate on the neck, back, and belly. Use just enough to add a little odor to the hairs. 
For severe flea infestations, treat daily; otherwise, use two or three times a week.